Sunday, June 19, 2016

Dirty Art

Artwork to the rescue
The Philippines have repeatedly suffered from terrible water pollution- but they have turned this tragedy into a solution. Artists in the Philippines have started using their own contaminated water to create incredible paintings. They are selling these pieces to raise awareness of their environmental hazards. Each painting sales for $800-$2000 and all of the proceeds go towards a water purification system for the Philippines as well as an initiative to prevent further water contamination in other areas of the world.
They have taken something so destructive and created a beautiful solution.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Rising in the Waters

Pacific Salt- Eunice Andrada

"Let this be the beginning of us... RISING."

Someone once asked me why I am so fond of poetry. Why should we trust poets? Poetry is raw. It is honest. There is nowhere to hide in poetry; the ugliest truths in situations are easily delivered. 

I think that is what makes this poem so beautiful. It is passionate and invigorating. Andrada paints a vivid picture of the disasters our environment is receiving and the trouble it is causing in return. While her poem shows deep pain for our damaged environment, she also does a beautiful job of showing that we can overcome these challenges and RISE from the pain.